Taskwarrior Project Templates? Yes Please!

Taskwarrior Project Templates? Yes Please!
Creating a project template from an executable file First, open a new file using nano: sudo nano videofile Next, add your tasks, separated by a new line: record video edit video upload video Then just add “task add” to the front of each line: task add record video task add edit video task add upload video Now exit the file and save: ctrl + x y And now we can make the file executable:
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Taskwarrior + Timewarrior = Freelancing Bliss!

Taskwarrior + Timewarrior = Freelancing Bliss!
Copy this command right into your terminal after navigating to the ~/.task/hooks directory: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GothenburgBitFactory/timewarrior/dev/ext/on-modify.timewarrior Setting up Timewarrior with Taskwarrior First, install Timewarrior: sudo apt-get install timewarrior Once it’s installed, initialize Timwarrior: timew The next thing you want to do is install the hook to start time tracking when a task is started in Taskwarrior: cd ~/.task/hooks wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GothenburgBitFactory/timewarrior/dev/ext/on-modify.timewarrior sudo chmod +x on-modify.timewarrior Now, just start a task:
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An Ode to the Morning

An Ode to the Morning
I am a morning person. As tired or grumpy as I may be - the morning is always a time of calm and reflection. So much so that I got all artsy fartsy about it. Peter McKinnon, if you ever see this, two things: Your videos are the chief inspiration behind even thinking to make this. I may have kind of ripped off your style directly. It’s meant as a compliment :) Shot and edited on my Samsung Galaxy Note 9, using the Moment Tele 58mm lens and Adobe Rush.
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More Taskwarrior Magic

More Taskwarrior Magic
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Taskwarrior will prioritize your tasks for you!

Taskwarrior will prioritize your tasks for you!
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Sexy Task Management (for freelancers or remote workers in 2019 and beyond)

Sexy Task Management (for freelancers or remote workers in 2019 and beyond)
When you work at a job, you have what’s called a manager. A lot of times your manager will have somebody do sole responsibility it is to make sure that what you’re doing now is the best thing for you to be doing now. Sometimes it’s the manager themselves, sometimes it’s the boss, whoever it is, if you are not owning the business yourself, somebody else is in charge of telling you what you should be doing now.
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Don’t confuse strategy and tactics (also, I’m terrible at chess)

Don't confuse strategy and tactics (also, I'm terrible at chess)
There is a strategic and a tactical side of every fight, every battle, everything that you do. Where am I going to place my people? When am I going to push? Who forward where to pull out the enemies x versus y so that I can then dominate when I want to. It has everything to do with data. It has everything to do with experience and has very little to do with combat skill.
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Do you have a trust fund business?

Do you have a trust fund business?
I’ve been a freelance marketing and advertising consultant for about 15 years now and there’s a couple of traits of business owners or businesses that I’ve noticed that by themselves are totally fine, clearly innocuous, but when you put them together, there’s something about the combination of these two traits that have a tendency to be somewhat volatile or explosive. It’s kind of like that experiment back in in high school, sodium chloride and whatever the other chemical is that makes things go boom.
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I got fired today

I got fired today
Getting fired is strangely one of my favorite things ever. I know that sounds weird, but it’s true. Sure, it sucks real bad while it’s happening, and it takes quite a while to recover from the pain and self-doubt that you feel from it, but in reality it is the best personal wake-up call you can get. I’ve been fired many times, both from jobs and from by clients and I’ve also been divorced so I can see, I know firsthand the similarities between the two.
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The Danger of Platitude

The Danger of Platitude
Saw this in my feed the other week, and it struck me as incredibly ironic. Think about it - how often are people spouting platitudes like this one with no real thought put into them, seemingly all for the likes? This particular profile posts stuff like this all the time. It pops up in my feed once or twice a day and it’s always the same - platitude written out in a “notetaking” app with no real explanation in the description of why it was posted, what it means, or what I’m supposed to do with it.
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That Cisco Report

That Cisco Report
Here’s a hot take for you: There’s this report that’s been making its way through many social feeds over the last few years. It’s a report that Cisco (not to be confused with Sysco or Crisco) put out a couple of years ago outlining a lot of data-based predictions on global internet traffic. There is one particular stat that these marketers are really honing in on: Globally, IP video traffic will be 82 percent of all IP traffic (both business and consumer) by 2022
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Incentive is King

Incentive is King
They say “Cash is King”. I think what they mean by that is that cash (money) is something that everyone can use more of, and therefore it’s something that you can use as a means of motivating or leveraging just about anyone to do what you want. Some businesses will offer Cash Back or a Gift Card With Purchase as a way to take advantage of that idea, trying to motivate their prospect to purchase by offering cash in return for a purchase.
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A company that I used to work for, Keap (formerly known as Infusionsoft) laid off a bunch of people yesterday. They’ve been laying people off for a while now, so much so that support groups have popped up to help ease the transition. A lot of people are saying how sorry they are, in an attempt to empathize. After all, most of these other people were also let go at one point or another.
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Business Is Profit

Business Is Profit
I think we can all agree that entrepreneurship is at an all-time popularity-high right now, and that we’ve probably not seen its peak yet. Personally, I think this is awesome. More and more people are leaving dead-end jobs and making something of themselves. Not only is this good for them (as it allows them to discover and pursue their true passion), but it also is starting to change the nature and definition of what a job is.
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Why You Shouldn’t Expect Your Consultant To Know Everything

Why You Shouldn't Expect Your Consultant To Know Everything
As a freelance consultant, I get asked questions all the time by my clients. And most of the time I know the answers, at least I like to think so. But I don’t always know the answers right away. Sometimes a client has a question about something that I’ve never dealt with before, sometimes they want to know if I’ve heard of a certain tactic that someone else has been using, and sometimes they just want to know if I’ve heard of a certain person.
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Stripe is Dope - Here is Why

Stripe is Dope - Here is Why
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Hiring an Agency vs Hiring In-House Staff

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People Don’t Think Like You Think They Do - Morning Coffee #27

People Don't Think Like You Think They Do - Morning Coffee #27
I don’t know why I’m still surprised when I find out that people don’t always think exactly like me. I should know better - I’ve left 3 companies, a marriage, and a church - all at least partly because one or both of us couldn’t get on board with the way the other was thinking. And yet, life has a way of continuing to put people and situations in our path to remind us of simple things like this.
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The Number One Killer of Long-Term Creativity

The Number One Killer of Long-Term Creativity
When I was a kid, I had a scout master who told me something while we were getting our fishing merit badge that I’ve never forgotten to this day. He said when you fish, you have to think about how much time your line is in the water. Some people plan a day to go “fishing”, and then end up spending 6 of the 8 ours with their line out of the water.
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Isolation, Upwork and the future of freelancing, and how “CEO” has no meaning - Morning Coffee #4

Isolation, Upwork and the future of freelancing, and how “CEO” has no meaning - Morning Coffee #4
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